Lake Rebecca
The Lake Rebecca Gold Project is a joint venture between Bulletin Resources Limited (80%) and Matsa (20%) and comprises two granted Exploration Licences over an area of 170km2. It is located approximately 150km east north-east of Kalgoorlie, WA.
The project is located in the southern part of the Laverton Tectonic Zone, a regional scale shear/fault system that is one of the more productive gold zones in the WA Goldfields; hosting the Sunrise Dam, Wallaby, Red October and Granny Smith gold camps. The tenements are adjacent to, and along strike of Ramelius Resources Limited’s 1.2M oz Au Rebecca Gold project.
Drilling completed thus far at Lake Rebecca gold project has identified a 7km long gold trend and demonstrates potential to find higher grade gold discoveries at depth.

Diamond Drill target areas and results from aircore drilling on the salt lake at Bulletin’s Lake Rebecca Gold Project.
Paraburdoo – Exploration Project
Matsa’s 102km2 tenement over the northern rim of the Bellary Dome has undergone minimal previous exploration for gold.
A total of 9 stream sediment samples, 116 soil samples and 7 rock chip samples were collected with the following results:
- Stream sediment samples returned values up to 0.48 g/t confirming earlier results which point to mechanical dispersion of gold along drainages
- A number of weakly anomalous soil gold values up to 16 ppb Au appear to reflect geochemical dispersion of gold in the vicinity of a reported gold nugget discovery area
- All rock chip results were below the 10 ppb Au detection limit.