The Fortitude North prospect is located only 6km north of Matsa’s Fortitude gold mine in the gold endowed Kurnalpi terrain which contains world class gold deposits such as Sunrise Dam, Granny Smith and Wallaby.
Fortitude North was discovered by aircore drilling during 2018 which defined a mineralised zone 1,500m in length. Follow-up aircore and Reverse Circulation drilling programmes have been completed at Fortitude North which have validated the 1,500m of gold mineralisation in weathered mafic volcanic rocks along the Fortitude Fault. Deeper drilling into unweathered basement rocks has confirmed continuity of a zone of basement mineralisation 800m in length with the remaining 700m of the 1,500m target remaining unexplored.
Exploration target*: 310,000oz to 600,000oz
Aircore and limited diamond drilling of this new discovery has highlighted a mineralised trend 1,500m long at Fortitude North, which provides a terrific opportunity to define a significant body of mineralisation. Only limited drilling has been completed below aircore refusal at Fortitude North.
*The potential quantity and grade of an Exploration Target is conceptual in nature. There has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the estimation of a Mineral Resource

Summary of existing Fortitude North drilling with recent results